Problems with children education

I was presented with the task to compare two types of schools recently. 

The first school is situated in Japan and have relatively high restrictions and safety measures applied. The main goal of this type of schools is children safety. The other one is in United Kingdom and the first thing that came to mind when you read about it is the name of the song of the English band The Sex Pistols “Anarchy in UK”.

Children there play outside even in the winter or when it's raining, learn by doing things, grow plants and play with fire. Another image that came to mind is the last word of Mel Gibson character William Wallace in the film “Braveheart” - “FREEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!”. And the question is – what type of playground is the best for children?

I personally favor second one, because of importance of freedom and learning on your own experience and the ability of taking risks. But I need to say about my own kinder garden experience. Our garden was somewhere in the middle: we were mostly inside, but sometime, when the weather was fine we were outside with the guidance of one or two teachers. And one day we were playing outside and a bunch of us went to the back side of the pavilion (there were many pavilions in our kinder gardens).

 In the back side of the pavilion there was some kind of a room and in the middle of that room there was a wooden box about a meter in height. So without thinking long we started climbing on that box. I can assure you it was quite fun t do. And when two of us climbed on the box the other boy suddenly pushed me and I fell down and hit my head quite seriously. Garden staff called my mother, she left job and took me to the hospital. I do not remember how much stitches doctor put on this wound by for some time I wore bandage on my head.

Some of you may ask me, why after this accident do you still support the second one school? We need control our children to prevent any harm that can be done to them. At this point another citation come to my mind. It's from one of appearances of stand up comedian John Carlin and it is about worshiping children. One of the points he made was that we can't protect our children forever and some day they will be facing the dangers of the world and if they were grown in the green house they probably would have bigger chances to fail.

Another thing about overprotective playgrounds is that this kind of measures mostly characterize parents. They definitely have issues with protecting their children too much and at this point we do not talk about love to their children, we are talking about neurotic need for control over their children. When the love is too strong it can turn into weird abomination which can cripple the life of the child.