
Last week I saw a film “Triangle”. It was soot in 2009 and is relatively new. I've chosen to see it because of several positive comments on one board and I wasn't disappointed and would recommend it to friend.

Now I must warn you about spoilers: there might be SPOILERS.

This film is made around time paradox. In the beginning... But time paradoxes don't have them, so more accurate would be start from the beginning of the film.

So, in the beginning of the film we see young mam Jess and her son in their house, something happen with them and Jess is hugging the boy and calming him. After some montage we see Jess packing large bag and after another montage we see Jess alone coming to the yacht of her friend and she seems to be in some kind of shock.

So there are 6 people on the yacht and they are going for a trip. After a while they were hit by a sudden storm and one of them – Heather was lost.

After some time they encountered cruise ship and came aboard, but strangely enough they failed to find passengers or crew. Ship doesn't look abandoned but there are no people. But after some time they encountered a person which wears bag on his head and starts shoot them with a rifle.

After some shooting only Jess was still alive and she managed to disarm the stranger and pointing at him with an ax she realized that the strange looks exactly like she is. Then “bad she” fall out from the ship to the ocean and Jess spotted turned upside down yacht coming closer to the cruise liner.

Pretty weird, ha? No the weirdness only begins. I definitely recommend you to see this film.