Weather forecast

Hello, my name is Dante and I will tell you about tomorrow weather in hell. The sponsor of our forecast is The Catholic Church, - “Catholic Church – get rich or die poor, but give us ten percent”.

As always I will tell you about weather in every circle. And by our tradition we begin with first circle – Limbo. We usually do not see sun in limbo and tomorrow won't be exception. The day and night will be foggy and the thickness of the fog will rise towards the end of the day. The temperature will be mild.

In the second circle – Lust as you can guess the weather would be really windy. The souls possessed by this sin will be blown back and forth by the terrible winds of a violent storm, without rest.

Habitats of third circle – Gluttony will certainly need umbrellas, good shoes and clothes because there will be icy rain and vile slush produced by ceaseless foul.
The fourth circle - Greed will be having another quite day in steeps. The temperature will be just fine for stone transporting.

The circle of Anger still consists mostly of the swamp-like water of the river Styx. The weather will be windy with some showers.

The circle of Heresy will have cloudy weather and it might be rain in the evening. But you should not worry – souls trapped in flaming tombs won't miss their suffering.
Violence circle due to the river of boiling blood and fire will have hot weather. Some part of this circle reside in a desert of flaming sand with fiery flakes raining from the sky, a fate similar to Sodom and Gomorrah.

The eighth circle – Fraud will be having hot weather because of the lake of boiling pitch. Also there is information about epidemic situation in this circle and I won't suggest you to travel there because of diseases.

In the last, ninth circle - Treachery the traitors will be frozen in a lake of ice and icy wind will be softly touching the skin on their faces. The weather will be good for ice-skating.